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December 10, 2013 Tuesday, Private Session working with negativity to raise earth consciousnessQuestions about working with negative or dark energy. This is a private meeting; the guest has been helping others release negativity, as part of his work worldwide. He was at Corinthians on Sunday. Aaron begins by addressing both Barbara and the guest, paraphrasing rather than incorporating, then incorporates. Q: asking if I am exhausted after a long session channeling the Mother. Barbara: We're speaking to Q's question about (inaudible; hard to hear while background heat blower is on) etc, dark energy. When I'm doing these sessions with the Mother, there have only been a handful of times when I, as Barbara consciousness, was present. Usually it's just completely the Mother's consciousness. I have no idea what's going on. So I'm not pulled into it at all. I'm tired from having that high energy in my body all those hours, but I haven't picked up anything. It takes me some time to settle down afterward though. I find being in water helps; swimming, hot tub or even a shower. I consciously release excess energy in the water, anything that is not “mine.” On Sunday, at some point, a man was intensely shaking as he held the Mother's hands; at a very subtle level there was some inner consciousness of a very dark energy attached to him, and almost a need to protect myself. Some Barbara consciousness returned, a very rare experience. Immediately Aaron came in to me and said, “We are shielding you and shielding everybody. Everyone is safe. There is no need to protect yourself. But come back to Barbara consciousness enough to send human love,” as differentiated from the Mother's love, and to make a very straight, conscious statement to the darkness you feel: “You are loved. You may not remain here. You must move on. We do not fear you or hate you, but you must move on.” Then Aaron asked me to invite Jeshua in, and to feel his strong energy around all of us, around the man, and around the attached entity. As soon as I felt Jeshua's energy, it was so strong and loving that I relaxed and the Mother took back the body completely. So, Aaron, I want to know, was there a reason for my Barbara presence? Other than that I was pulled out slightly into the body and cohabiting the body with the Mother, was there any reason for me to be there? Could I have done it more skillfully by just staying out of the body and trusting? Aaron: Good morning to you both. I am paraphrasing. I will speak directly, later. I want to speak first not fully incorporated in the body, so Barbara can hear too. Human and spirit work as a team. The Mother's, Father John's, Jeshua's energy, are all very powerful, as is my energy. If I came in with my full energy, I would have no trouble sending this dark energy on, but I would might kill the host. We do not wish that! In other words, my energy is too strong to offer that full blast.s21` (to Barbara) You noticed that we invited your energy in first before Jeshua. Jeshua could also not come and confront this negative entity, nor would he wish to do so. There is no battle from his or my perspective, only a suffering, misguided spirit. You were not originally asked to come back to consciousness. Barbara consciousness came in because of the strength of the energy you felt coming through your hands, and the strong negativity there. It was less alarm than concern. Not fear; concern. Not concern for yourself; really concern for the entity and the human in front of you. There was no distrusting the Mother's full ability to handle it, but simply feeling called back by the strength of the darkness because you are dddply intended to offer love to such darkness. As soon as you came back, it felt useful to ask you to bring in the human side of it so that spirit and human were sending the same message. We have different vibrations. Ours is higher. Yours, because it's grounded in the physical body, is a bit lower. The lower vibration, ironically, can reach this dark entity more easily than my high vibration, which simply blows over it. So your coming back and addressing it directly and without fear caught its attention. Then you literally held it. You realized at a certain point, as Barbara consciousness came back, that you were not looking in this man's eyes, you were literally looking in the dark entity's eyes. You could feel its presence. Your love, your compassion, your courage held it there and invited it to remain for healing, for release. You could feel it then begin to cry, to tremble, and the man, also. But the majority of the trembling and crying you experienced was the dark entity, terrified to release itself. Terrified to meet Jeshua. Terrified not to, because of course at some level that entity had come inside with this man, knowing he could have left him outside at the door and re-inhabited the body later. The fact that he came in with the body shows that it was ready for assistance to release itself. Yet still terrified. As soon as that readiness was felt and Jeshua came in, within about 10 seconds the Mother again took over your whole body and the Barbara consciousness left. The energies then had become too intense for the Barbara consciousness. Does that give you a better idea, Barbara, of the process, and Q also, of the process we were using? It is always a co-creation. Q, you are not trance-channeling a spirit. An entity is not incorporating in your body. It's more your higher self, and your guidance, that are there helping. It's more your higher self doing the work. But it's really the same thing. Your higher self is no different than any other entity. Your higher self is simply that beyond the conscious-self part of you, a higher vibration. So whether it's the Mother or Father John or me or Jeshua or your higher self, it's really all spirit. I will pause here. Barbara: Aaron, before I was conscious, the Mother asked Q to come up (Q was seated near the Mother, as a support medium) and stand behind the man. Can you say anything about that? Aaron: I am Aaron, and I am going to come through a bit more fully in the body, but still leaving enough space that Barbara can hear me. So this is not completely as clear as it would be if I were incorporated, but good enough. The Mother simply saw a teaching moment, when Q could both learn something and be of service. She needed somebody to stand there behind the man in case he collapsed. She really didn't want two people standing there because of the intensity of the dark entity's energy. Q was seated on the platform beside you, and it was of value to him to bring him in there, as Q states. She knew Q would recognize the situation and could handle the presence of this darkness with love, and without becoming lost within it, Barbara: May I ask one more question, Aaron? If Q had not been sitting there... Aaron: The Mother would have called D, M or K. If a woman medium, we would have brought a man up there, simply to have somebody strong enough to catch the man if he collapsed. A woman could have held the space for that negative energy but not supported this large man. The strongest mediums we have there right now on a regular basis are M, K, and D; any of them could have done this. Barbara: Okay Aaron, thank you. I'm going back to Q's page, here. So, the tiredness-- Aaron says he'll come back to this. You say, “the Four Directions to release the first level of darkness at home. I could then meet the other darkness from a place of compassion. The beings have had a chance for healing in my workshops and this is why they were attached. I let them know I would bring them to the healing space Sunday. And they seem to relax and leave me space.” Aaron says, exactly. This is why this entity remained attached to this man, knowing he was coming. And the entities for Q were not an attachment. But they were sticky, moving in and out. Aaron: I am Aaron. Again, paraphrasing through Barbara. These beings that are so lost in darkness often do not realize there is anything for them but that darkness. They aspire then to draw others into their darkness, in part because they are so miserable and misery loves company, as the saying goes. Their only seeming happiness is to see others suffering, because it helps them not feel so alone. Let me come in directly, at this point... Before I come in, you may have noticed there are many entities listening in. We offer this sharing only for the highest good of all beings, with love and with harm to none. We respect every being's free will, but even within that respect we will not allow a being to harm another. That is the limitation of free will. I have invited the archangelsRaphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Ariel-- to surround this space and hold it in light. And I ask my brother Jeshua to be here at my side. As we talk today I think we're going to experience some dark energy. I want to make it clear that that dark energy may not interfere with Barbara or Q in any way. (addressing entities present) You may listen if you seek the possibility of light, and you may learn if you so choose. Otherwise I would ask you to leave this circle of light that we hold. Do you both feel the energy and light? I want to make sure you feel safe, especially Barbara, as I am going to incorporate. Your part, then, daughter. (Barbara: I consecrate this body to the light.) (Aaron incorporates) I am Aaron. A direct welcome to you, Q. So we're working with beings that are ready to seek the light, yet terrified with what that means. Terrified with what they will need to give up, what they will become, not knowing what will happen to them. The beings you are working with there in Germany, the dark beings, are beings that are very, very lost. It's been 60, 70 years since their transitions. Time has no meaning on that plane, of course, but many of them have been lost in this bardo state and in this darkness for all that time. They had never considered that there could be anything else. So their effort throughout all of this time has been to pull others in with them. As I stated before, it makes them feel less alone. So in some way, it's comforting. When I say their only joy is in others' suffering, it's not so much that they gloat over others' suffering. It's not that they are by essence evil. Rather, it's that misery loves company, as I said.
Our work, and I include you, Barbara, myself, and many others on this path, spirit and human both, our work is to release this, at this point much lower in vibration and consciousness, which is serving as a drag line functions on a ship. The lower vibration is serving as a drag line so that the Earth and all contained therein cannot ascend in consciousness as is its aspiration. Higher consciousness knows the need to release the drag line, but always without violation of free will. So we need to transmute these drag lines into higher consciousness. We cannot just cut them off. We cannot leave them floating in the wake of the ship. We keep touching all of these beings with as much love as is possible, and helping each one to come just a little bit further forward into the light. We must do it carefully or we will literally destroy the host. As I said, if I had come in with full force, if the Mother had used her full power, if Jeshua had used his full power, we probably would have killed this man. It would be like stripping the heart of out somebody, because that heavy energy was so much with him and for so many years. So one needs to work sensitively and intuitively, knowing how far one can go. And also, and this depends on your own readiness, it does no good for you as fully the human Q to address the negativity and be snared into the negativity. This, unfortunately, is some of what you've been doing, being this Q consciousness rather than bringing the higher self in. I'm not saying you are unready, only that you need to trust that you are ready. What makes you invulnerable, Q, is love. The power of your love and the degree to which you have released any self-judgment and self-condemnation, and forgiven the self. To that degree, and only to that degree, are you able to speak as Q to the negativity. “I forgive you” doesn't mean anything to them, nor “Forgive yourself,” if you have not been able to fully forgive yourself. You cannot forgive what A has done to B, only what A has done to you. But you can forgive the real possibility of negative choice in yourself, and thereby forgive it in all sentient beings. You still hold them responsible for unwholesome choices, but do not hate them for these choices. You offer only compassion and the request to take responsibility. To take responsibility for one choices is a statement that one is ready to also take responsibility for release of old patterns, andf ready for growth. When I say it is through your model, and I do not mean you are going to talk about it and describe it; only, on an energetic and telepathic level they understand it. They see who you are. Your partner here is doing the same work. Each of you clears a thousand lifetimes of old negativity in yourselves, bringing yourself really into a readiness for a fuller realizationnot necessarily complete realization in this lifetime though perhaps, but ready to open to that Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, to fully release all karma, and have no more karmic pull toward incarnation. This work is for you and for others, because at some level you're ready to move into that next stage of being. You understand the term bodhisattva. The bodhisattva has no karmic need to come back on the earth plane, but does so out of loving intention. Neither you nor Barbara are bodhisattvas. You still have karmic reasons for being here, but you are getting close to the full release of those karmic reasons. I suspect that both of you will choose to come back and continue to do this work. The clearer you get, the more powerful your work will be. I am also not saying that full liberation can't happen in this lifetime. This lifetime, ten lifetimes, it doesn't matter. You simply keep refining, keep releasing. And each being that comes before you experiences your increasing Light. Whether you are consciously aware of the ground for that being's negativity or not, is irrelevant. There is only to love them, to hold compassion for them; to help them find the possibility of release and forgiveness. Have you read the book Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves? I very strongly recommend you read this. Helen was a medium. She had a dear friend who was a Christian nun, who left the church and convent after some period of time because she found she needed a bigger arena for her spirituality. But she had the background of the church. She said to her friend Helen, “If I go first, I'm going to come back and tell you what it's like.” And sure enough, she does. It's a very powerful statement. At first she is serving in a place where beings who are more ready to progress on further into the light are resting. Then at a certain point, a very strong high spirit accompanies her on a journey she could not take herself, to the dark realms. And she meets there a man who had done some atrocities, probably in Nazi Germany. He has lived in darkness. He can't bear to see the light, to experience the light. Her description is very beautiful. The man is a painter. He asks this woman, a Sister, I can't remember, he asks her, “Would you bring me some colors?” He's been using black to paint. He says, “A little bit tan, a little bit of gray.” He's not ready for bright colors. But as their relationship goes on, she keeps bringing him a little bit brighter colors. And finally he moves out of that hell realm that he's created for himself and begins to rest in this interim space. For the first time he can perceive the angelic presences around him. He can perceive that there is love. These high beings talk to him, counsel him. His work is to try to move himself out of the hell realm into which he has bound himself. I believe it's in this book, but I am not certain, that there is someone who was a victim of his persecution. She hears that he's in the same dormitory, as it were, the same lodginglet's call it a nursing home. At first she is appalledhow can he be here? But then she begins to see that her work is to forgive him, and that she cannot go on until she releases the hatred in her heart. Finally they bring them together. So we see how all beings progress together in this way. What you are doing there is basically the same work. I suspect you do not need the whole book, but I think you'll enjoy it, and it's easy reading. I would very much like you to read that story because it's so accurate. Let us look further at your questions. (tape paused) Q's question was, “... subtle ways I am attaching to the darkness.” I said, all humans do. I used the example that, if you had a wound on your hand, and you wanted to experience what it feels like to have a wound, you might keep peeling the scab off, watching it bleed, watching it become inflamed, until finally you said, “Enough of this. I understand it. I don't need to continue it.” And then you leave it alone and let it heal. But there's still such a strong impulse when the scab forms to peel it off and there must be conscious awareness to release or not enact the impulse. So one has to use a conscious awareness of intention. Q, I believe you've worked with me with the practice of clear comprehension. What is my highest purpose here? Is what I'm about to do suitable to this purpose, that is, to allow negativity to attach to me in this way? Is that suitable to my highest purpose? At some level you might have said, “Yes, because I want to understand the negativity.” But I think you've reached a point now where you can say, “No, I no longer need to let it attach. It's not suitable. So I do not let it attach.” Then we ask, how do we not let it attach? Vipassana is a core of this skill, because using the vipassana practice, you can watch contraction, fear, and anger, and there's such a strong and stable knowing: this is all arising from conditions. It's not of the nature of a self. It's just the outplay of conditions. I don't have to be self-identified with it. So if something's happening that brings up some fear or anger or physical discomfort, it's much easier to simply say, “Just let it go. It's just the arising of conditions.” As soon as you cease to contract around any negative thought, that at least partially releases the conditions. Then there's only spaciousness. The conditions are still floating around, looking for someplace to land. Then you want to be careful they don't land on other people. Escort them out the door. A litter of muddy puppies running around; escort them out the door. Aaron reading: (hard to hear) “While at the Casa, I found a <response to> righteous anger... A righteous angry knight <often>popped in and invited in the dark power after loved ones had been harmed. I had been powerless to stop it. This was very healing work for me as I released the black gloom which had covered the white knight, and the Brothers of Light carried it away.” Aaron speaking: But now you take it the next step, that the righteous angry knight is also arisen from conditions, is also not who you are. The righteous angry knight did his work, and now we look at righteousness, and the way that gives you power over others, for example. The way it's self-serving. The way it's of a lower vibration. And also begin to release that righteous angry knight so there's nothing left but the compassionate heart. What we are talking about here is something I have seldom addressed in this depth, and I think it's important that it be transcribed. We will share what is valuable with others. “I am looking inward to see if there are other, perhaps more subtle ways in which I am attaching to the darkness.” (remainder of recording not transcribed)