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April 16, 2017 Easter Sunday, Remembering Wholeness with Jeshua
Jeshua: My blessings and love to you all. I am Jeshua. I know that's Aaron's greeting; I have learned it from him. Thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. (Walking among the group) I want to look into your beautiful faces, feel your presence, and invite you to feel my love and presence…
There is no need to believe anything special about me. I am no different than you. I was born as human, as you were all born as human. Yes, I was more awakened, perhaps, than you were at your birth in this lifetime. I did not forget why I had come. But don't put me on a pedestal. You are just as divine and radiant, and as much Sacred Spirit, as I am.
Give me a minute… this one has pain in the body. Just trying to bring in supportive energy. Your loving energy directed to her will be helpful, also… (pause)
Breathe in, allow the energy in. Think of it as a cylinder of light, pouring into your head and into the chakras, opening all the chakras in the energy system… (his hand is over her head) (pause)
They called me different names— Messiah, Holy One, even Cursed One. I was none of these. I was simply Jeshua ben Joseph, the son of Joseph and Mary, come to Earth at the request of our mutual Father/Mother/Creator, to bring love, to open people's hearts; to teach people to know their innate light, their radiance; to know who they were. That's all. People say, “Well, he came to fulfill a prophecy.” There are many prophecies. I came because our beloved Creator/Father/Mother said, “Please, will you go down and help?” I could have said no, just as each of you can say no. There is free will. But there was no reason for me to say no. It was my joy to say yes.
But I understood from the start that it was going to be hard work, that I was coming into a very heavy density realm. It is as if you suddenly found yourself in a diving suit—the old-fashioned kind of diving with tanks, a big bubble around the head and a heavy suit. You're half a mile under the sea. Very hard to move around because the density is so heavy. I understood it would be cumbersome. (walking around imitating the heaviness) Do you feel like that sometimes, when you're walking around?
You are here, as I was then, to help fulfill a prophecy of the Earth's evolution as a higher density planet on which beings can live without the veil of forgetting; knowing who you are and why you have come, knowing non-separation, and with full free will too. Able to live with the love that is your birthright.
It's so hard for some of you to believe that. (pausing for a drink of water) Water. This Earth is a place of such blessings, amongst them, simple water. Air, light, fire. You were born into these elements, and they are a part of you. When you open to the elemental basis of yourself, it helps you to come back and know who you are. You are not a brain, you are Love (hand over his heart). We put it together, heart/mind, because the wonder of the human is that you have intelligence and the opportunity of free will choice. That means you can choose love or fear in any given moment. And in that choice, may awaken to the truth of who you are.
In that lifetime I was named Jeshua. It was not my first human lifetime. It was the first one you know about, but not the first one. In your Buddhist teachings you have the stories of the Buddha's early lifetimes, the Jataka Tales. Well of course I had early lifetimes also, both on the earth plane and on other planes. So when you ask, who is Jeshua and what happened on these days of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the human who came as Jeshua ben Joseph simply went through a transformation, releasing some of the heaviness of human density, and allowing myself more fully to enact the high energy and light that I truly am.
All of you, you've been here before. Who are you? Are you this human being, sitting in this chair? Who were you before you were born? Who will you be after you die? It's constantly changing. What is the essence that holds it together?
I have a little experiment here. Let's have 8 of you, any 8, who would like to come up. The ends of some of these candles are broken, so have care with them… I have 4 more candles… Anyone else like to participate? I think these 12 are all the candles in the box… Now I'm going to take the first candle and light it. Spread out enough that those in the back can see. I'm going to light this candle and pass it to you…
This is what we might call the Jeshua light; now it will become the N light. N is going to light D's candle with it and then extinguish hers. I want you to watch the flame. D will light B's and then extinguish hers. Watch the flame carefully. Now it's burning from a red candle, and now it's burning from a white candle, a pink candle, green candle, just as some of your inner flames sometimes burned in a black or white or brown or yellow or red body, male or female, short or tall. Watch the flame.
Each lifetime, a new candle. One flame. Now you all may sit down, and will you please hold up the candle (the last one lit); hold it up. Is there anything different in that flame than the flame with which we started? Is it the same flame or a different flame? Same flame or different flame? (Group: same flame) Same flame; different bodies. Do you understand the point I'm making?
The holy light that is the essence of you, the radiance and love that is the essence of you, this remains. Part of what I came to teach as Jeshua is that this light that you are cannot die. The body passes, just as the candles change. The light essence that you are can never die. In those days it was believed that when you died, that was it, you were gone. Some of the teachers of those days did not like what I taught because they did not believe that there was any essence that continued, any divine essence that could not perish.
Q: Soul?
Jeshua: The word “soul” gives the idea of something perhaps a bit more permanent than I have in mind, but what I am talking about here is this core of light that comes from the Father/Mother/Creator and expresses through you, in whatever form you are in that lifetime, and will never die. You are expression of that life, now expressing on this heavier-density planet. So the body may cease but the Light continues , and expresses from a new candle.
Actually, for Jeshua, the body did not completely die, because of the training I had to keep a spark of life going. To all perceptions, I was “dead”, but because my focus and energy were not on the outer forms but on the essence, from that essence I was able to rekindle the candle. So as I lay there in that cave “dead”, the consciousness continued. Pure awareness, noting this body, this inert body in which it rested, drew light and rekindled itself.
I had help. We had a triangulation of three caves and people toning in these caves, creating a triangle of energy that helped support my process drawn from my training. Enactment of this process was all our training. I could not have done it alone any more than we could sit here in this circle and have strong energy just with one person. You can feel my energy but…(static, recording stopped; he thinks his high energy as he raised his vibration a lot to demonstrate “feel my energy” did something to the recorder)
Jeshua: The recording stopped: I think we lost about 5 minutes. I will continue.
Barbara: Here, while reviewing, I have asked Jeshua to fill in a little of what we lost. He says this is very shortened and not exact.
You can feel my energy but also all the energy of the circle, that magnifies mine.
While within the crucifixion, there was pain, but also, I knew how to withdraw consciousness from the body. I did that in part, though not completely because I chose to have the human experience.
When I was carried into that cave, to the human eye I was dead, but I retained that spark of life and could rekindle it. The process has been lost, but you are on the path to relearning it. As humans, once you see a possibility, you know and trust it is possible, and then your belief system of “impossible” no longer blocks the manifestation. So I also came to demonstrate this continuation of Light.
There was no fear. I knew my essence could not die.
Remember being a child jumping, perhaps from a dock, into the water and the waiting parent's arms. It was frightening to leap, but you also trusted the parent, that he or she would catch you. In time that leap ceased to frighten. In life, you are often invited to leap, and to trust the Love that will catch you.
Jeshua continuing from the audio transcript: When you pass from the body, it's just like that leap, leaping into the Father/Mother's arms, the loving parent waiting to catch you safely; to hold you until you are ready to climb back on the dock and begin a new incarnation. And then you leap off again. Both ways it is a leap, into what you call birth and into death.,.
So yes, there was pain involved, but I also knew it was completely safe to die because I was not identified with the body; the light that I am could not be extinguished. The light is eternal.
The more you can touch on that light in the incarnation, to know it and rest there stably, the more fully you can bring forth your energy to invite a higher vibration of love on this heavier density plane, and to change this plane. The more you hold back, the more you become part of the fearful masses that weigh everything down. But that's okay too. If you must do that, then do that for as long as you need to until you are ready to step past it. There is no right or wrong here, only each human holding the intention to help themselves and the whole Earth remember the— I am asking Aaron; I started to say “intrinsic”— is that the correct word, Aaron? The essence of light that you are. My English vocabulary is not completely up to date; sometimes I refer to Aaron for help on the vocabulary.
(walking among the group) So I love you all, and thank you for being here with me today. Know what you are and let go of the rest… Release limiting beliefs that do not serve you. Celebrate rebirth of all that is good and beautiful! Know that heart of love that is your essence.
Remember that we are brothers. I will not say don't put me on a pedestal, but put yourself right up there with me. Or take us both off and let us just walk on the earth together. Either way is fine.
(to individual) Your beloved is so strongly with you, with us in this circle. (inaudible personal comments, long pause as he walks around, greeting each person) Let go of everything that is not light, and trust your radiance to shine forth… (continuing) Breathe… Fire needs a bit of air. (continuing) You also, breathe; like father, like son. Breathe… (continuing)
Our schedule had me talking until 4pm, and then the Mother. Within that talk there was supposed to be time for questions. I will leave it to you whether you want to spend some time with questions and have a much shortened darshan with the Mother, just an exchange of energy with little talking, or whether you wish me to end here and have the Mother come in here for the normal darshan. Is there a preference? (a show of hands; about equal) Since you are here for the Remembering Wholeness, I think these are enough words from me, and we'll get together another time when we can talk longer.
I'm going to release the body to the Mother. Actually I'm going to release the body to Barbara so she can stretch a bit and change the chairs here and then start the darshan.
May you all experience the deep blessings of love that are your birthright in this human form. You were never promised that there would be no pain. You were promised that you have the capacity to transmute that pain into love. This is your human work, as it was my human work.
My love, my blessings. I release the body… See Aaron's teachings on: The Practice of Clear Light in the archives.