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June 11, 2016 Aaron on raising consciousness, from DSC sangha meetingJune 11, 2016 Saturday, Deep Spring Community Meeting
Aaron: My blessings and love to you all. I am Aaron. To our friends on the computer screen, I love that you can be with us in this way, from a great distance. We're entering into a new world. They say the world is shrinking. I don't think that's so. You are growing. Your reach is no longer small, but vast. Each of you has energy that you send out into the world. Some of it may be fear-based energy, contracted. Some of it is loving, openhearted energy. It all spreads, not only around this world but throughout the universe.
I would suggest an added line to the mission statement. It doesn't have to be formally included; the board can decide whether or not to do that. But part of our mission, as I see it, is to help invite the world into higher consciousness. Yourselves, each of you as part of this world, helping to raise the consciousness of the world. There is a lot of darkness, of fear, of negativity, in your universe. This globe is being watched carefully because of your potential to be, I think in your politics they call it a "swing state," that you're either going to go to the red or the blue. You're going to go more and more into negativity, or you're going to move into the light, to really become leaders in this raising of consciousness, of joy, of gratitude of peace; to learn how, when you're pushed, not to push back, not to run, but to hold that energy and offer it back.
Barbara had an email this week from a woman in a far-away state with whom, on a recent retreat, we worked with her own practice of working with spirit– meeting her spirit guides, hearing her guides, and the importance of challenging– to make sure that what came through was positive. I had felt then that her guides were very positive, but she was new to this work. When Barbara opened the recent email and began to read it, there was almost an onslaught of negative energy that poured out. What did she do? Did she run screaming from the room? What did she do?
She said, "Oh, I've been expecting you." This is Milarepa's wonderful, "Come, sit by my fire, have tea." It is a very clear statement, "You may not push your negativity on me. I am a being of light. I hold to the light. You are here, trying to pull me into your negativity, and no, I do not accept. But I offer you light and the joy that comes with light." Then she began to meditate. She began to chant to herself both the Lord's Prayer and the Metta Sutra, for about half an hour, one after the other, repeating them. Her heart filled with light, and just offering, the way you would to somebody who entered your home filled with fear and anger. You would not grab them and try to pull them in. You would not cast them out. You just sing with them and keep offering them tea until they either get up and go away or they take the tea, have quieted down, and say thank-you.
I'm offering this story because this is what all of you are learning to do, not necessarily with negative spirits who visit but with your own negativity. With the fear, the anger, the greed, the jealousy, all of these emotions that arise in you daily because you are human, and because this is normal for a human.
Each time you are able to attend to that kind of negativity with kindness, serve it tea and wait until it either takes the tea or leaves, you are changing your own energy and allowing yourself to broadcast the light that you are, further and further out. And it is only this individual responsibility for what has arisen for you that will ultimately shift the whole level of consciousness throughout the world. And as I said, your world is a swing state. As you shift the consciousness here and raise it, it's going to affect all your neighboring planets out there, all the neighboring universes, bringing in more and more light.
This combines with the practice of non-duality. If we say the darkness is bad and the light is good, and we must destroy the darkness, this thinking is just more darkness. It's just more negativity. When we recognize that light and darkness are two sides of the same hand, that there will be fear, anger, negativity of various sorts, and there will be love, then instead of attacking the negativity, we can literally invite it in for tea, be patient with it and give it the time it needs to make its own transition into light.
This, as I see it today, and as I saw it 27 years ago, is a primary function of Deep Spring Center. I didn't speak about it in these terms in 1989 because people weren't ready to hear it. Very few people even had a meditation practice. These teachings were new to everybody back then. But now you're ready to hear it. You're ready to understand the power that you have to literally transform yourselves, your community, your world, with love. It's a big responsibility. And you have all the help you need.
And here is the third part. Your help is in your sangha, your friends. Your help is also in your loving spirit guides. So we don't want to ignore that portion of our work, but to help people to connect with their guidance, as we helped this woman who wrote the email. To help you learn how not to get caught by negativity, but to invite higher and higher levels of loving guidance. In this room, you see 15 people. I see 100 loving guides flying in the air above you, surrounding you. This is a powerful resource, not to be ignored!
That's all. My time is limited here and I don't want to overstep it.
We have some time now to hear from all of you: What is your vision for us all as we go into the next era of Deep Spring Center? I see in a sense we've come back to where we started, and we're ready to recreate ourselves in a way that's most meaningful to those in the community. What your needs are, how we can best– I don't want to say how we can serve you, that's creating a duality. How together can we co-create what we need to be, in the highest service of each of us.
Q: Aaron, you say you see our guides. What do they look like?
Aaron: Well, they are beautiful! They have so many different forms that I cannot say they have this or that form. Some of them have a more specific kind of form, and some of them are more just changing light. The strongest common denominator is that they all emit radiance, as you all do.
Q: Are they in our aura?
Aaron: No. Your aura is from you. There is no duality, no separation, on the ultimate level, but each guide is itself, and you are you. They are sitting on your shoulder and circling your head and hugging you from behind.
Q: Really?
Aaron: Really! Of course!
Q: With arms and bodies?
Aaron: No, with light. Why would we need arms?
What do I look like? Well, Barbara has said she sees me as Aaron, a biblical-looking being with long white beard, a high forehead, deep blue eyes, high cheekbones, and that I disappear from about the waist down. Why? She doesn't need to see me from the waist down, my face is sufficient. Why the face? Because back in 1989, if she had simply seen moving light, she would have been frightened. "What is this that's talking to me?" But she was able to relax into seeing a loving face, a karmically familiar face from somewhere back in ages past, recognizing that face. She was able to look into my eyes and feel a trust and connection.
Since then, she has seen me in many different forms. Other lifetimes that I've been, the Buddhist monk I was in my final lifetime. But she also has seen me sometimes just as the light that I am. My name is not Aaron any more than yours is (Q's name). That's the name of this lifetime. This is the form of this lifetime. But I don't need a form. I bring myself into a form just to help others be comfortable.
Q: Have we known our guides in another life, like you and Barbara have?
Aaron: Of course! You and your guides have been together for a long period of time, all of you. And sometimes you have been the guide and they have been the being incarnate in the body. There are 3rd density guides between lifetimes. (Q's transitioned husband) will probably become one of your guides for the remainder of your life.
Q: He already is!
Aaron: You'll begin to hear and see him more clearly. And you may not see him as (he was) but you'll begin to hear, when you say, "What shall I do about this?" you'll begin to hear his energy, his thoughts coming through, and you'll recognize, "I didn't think this. It's coming from somewhere else. B, is that you?" He is not here now; his transition is too recent for him to be able to participate. But within a month or a few, I would guess, he will be more ready and you'll have access to him. Each of you has dear ones from past lifetimes. But also some of these 3rd density beings, when it's their turn to come into a body, you may say, "I'll stay here in this heaven realm and help guide you until you're ready to hear me. And I will guide you."
I've used the image, if you had weights on your feet and a long snorkel tube and waded into the water, eventually the water will come up over your head. You can't see. But there's a very careful plan of buoys that you must weave your way between, and if you step away from the buoys, you're going to do some damage, stepping on fragile plants. There's a path and you're asked to follow the path. But you don't have goggles. You only have a snorkel tube. You're underwater. Your guide sits on your shoulders and can say, "Go a little bit to the right. Good. Now turn a little bit to the left." Because your guide has clear vision underwater.
You are all here in this heavier density lifetime. In a sense you're caught underwater. So the more you can connect with your own higher self and your guides, the more clarity you will have of the path you wish to walk to fulfill your own highest intentions. Then the meditation practice leads you to really understand your highest intentions, and to hold those clearly in front of you so you can follow that path.
Let me end with that question, if you will. Is there any other discussion here that involves me, and if not I will return the body to Barbara. All right. Thank you for inviting me in and hearing me. And we do want to have a chance to hear you and your own thoughts about Deep Spring Center's vision.
Barbara(reincorporated): So we're continuing with, "what is your vision for Deep Spring Center? "
(sharing; tape paused)
Barbara: Conclusion of the meeting: a guided meditation from Aaron... Pauses were plentiful but are not noted.
Aaron: Once again I greet you in love and in light. Together we have been climbing a mountain. That dark woods at the base of the mountain, tall trees blocking out the light, a faint path on the ground. With faith we have followed the path, with the hope that it will lead us upward and into the realms of light. There have been numerous pitfalls: areas of hip-deep mud through which we slogged, fallen trees to climb over, streams to ford, rock slides that seem to bar the way, ever moving upward.
As we climb, we see increasing light coming through the trees. It gives us hope. Now and then we come to a very steep place, and we take the hands of those who walk beside us, helping lift each other up the steep incline, passing loving energy. Those on the computer, we in this circle are all holding hands, and I would invite you to extend out your hands and join in our energy. I think you can feel it.
Reflect on the dark places in your life. Feel the energy of love that surrounds you, that is always there to support you, as you lift yourself up over this particular steep spot, or place of deep mud. Inviting support, "Help me," and receiving it. Feeling your neighbor inviting support, and helping them, lifting them. Raising each other up.
And then the way grows gentler. The slope is not so steep. The trees are much thinner, and light burns through, radiant light. Above us, on the top slopes, snowmelt is washing down a beautiful stream, coming into a waterfall, here, where we stand. The sun is hot, with fresh breeze that cools us a bit. This waterfall is a peaceful place.
One by one, as you wish, or in groups, step under the waterfall and let the water rinse away any bits of darkness that are still stuck to you. Feel the water pouring over the hot body and cooling it; releasing any old sadness, anger, fear, despair, sense of loss. Let the water wash that all away. And in its place, feel the freshness and the love that have always been yours, that are the core of your being.
As you step out from the falls, letting the sun and breeze dry you off, look upward to where the path winds toward the top of the mountain. We are not there yet, and that's fine, but we certainly have emerged out of darkness and learned tools to release the heaviness that often comes with human incarnation. You are learning to trust that you truly are a being of light, with access to that light, and to feel the deep commitment to move ever closer to the light.
Let us pause here, then, with silence for a minute or two, each heart offering gratitude for the path itself, the companions on the path, for Deep Spring Center that forms a container to support this path. And let each remember the deep commitment to emerge ever more fully into light and to support the companions' path into light.
I'll be quiet now for a minute... (tape paused)
I want to offer thanks to Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, that has offered us to rent this space at a very generous price. Has rolled out the red carpet for us and made us very welcome. This generosity really enabled us to go forth in a way that we could not have without their help. There is much love between me and Interfaith, and I know from them to us. So I formally offer thanks.
I also want to note with a smile, I'm looking at myself in the camera here, and perched right over my left shoulder is the Buddha, behind me. We've been repeating we are not a Buddhist center. M noted in some emails, in every picture, there is the Buddha! Me saying we're not a Buddhist center, with a Buddha perched on my shoulder! One does not have to be a Buddhist center to deeply honor, cherish, and respect the teachings of the Buddha. One does not have to be a Christian center to deeply honor and respect the teachings of Jeshua. One does not have to be a Jewish center to deeply honor the Jewish wisdom through the ages. One does not have to be an Islamic or Native American or of any tradition to honor the love and wisdom of these teachings. I hope we can incorporate all of these beautiful traditions without fear of showing a statue of the Buddha or of the symbols of any religious tradition, but honor all of these traditions. I notice that in the next room, a small classroom, there are flags hanging from the ceiling with symbols of many different religions, part of Interfaith Center.
Much love to you all, and may this energy come forth and be fruitful for all of you. I love you all. I'll release the body to Barbara...
(session ends)