DSC Board Minutes - June 18, 2007

ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Ann Barden, Linda Longo, George SanFacon, Peg Tappe, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson, Barbara Brodsky, Martha Zingo, Simon Ha

Minutes from the May board meeting were read and approved.

Board books were updated.


  • Board configuration
    • There was discussion about changing the number of years a board member would serve. In the past there was no board book and the 3 year term was helpful for continuity.
    • The bylaws were reviewed, and there was consensus that the target number for the new board will be six or seven members.
  • Board Retreat
    • George is willing to collect ideas from other members and put together a draft for the next meeting.
    • Please email him with specific suggestions of what would be most helpful to you for the highest functioning of the board.
  • The board approved a proposal by the teachers to return to a $7 building fee per student, per class, plus dana for the teacher.


  • Technology
    • It was approved that we buy a new computer for Barbara to replace her old, broken one.
    • Also approved was payment to Nicholas for hours already worked on Barbara's computer.
    • Sandy will communicate this to the tech committee.
    • It was suggested that a more realistic number of hours per month for Nicholas be considered.
  • Nominating Committee: An update on the progress of the committee was given. Many sangha members have been approached, but none have agreed to serve on the board. Therefore, there were no names to bring to the board at this time. This is a matter of concern for the committee and the board.
  • OMA
    • It was requested and approved by consensus that Alice be paid for previously worked hours.
    • There was consensus that OMA and the treasurer can make these kinds of decisions in the future without coming to the board.
    • It was agreed that the OMA will draft the OM 180 degree performance review and offer it for approval to the board before OM's next evaluation. Linda will lead this task.
    • Linda will also lead the OM salary reviews. This is to be drafted by OMA and approved by the board by January 2008 in order to align with the 2008 budget process.
  • Retreat Committee: The June retreat is full for the weekend but still has room for the the full week.
  • Treasurer's Report
    • Linda directed our attention through the report.
    • All stock gifts have been converted to cash.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: July 23, 2007 at 7:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin